Expedition Base Camp is a new digital home for expedition and adventure planning, promotion, and participation, with the goal of increasing the impact of expeditions and adventures around the world.
It is a free and easy to use platform to promote your expedition, a place to find and share ideas and resources, and a diverse community of helpful experts and expedition newbies.
Welcome, to Base Camp.
Contributing to the conservation of of the Gray Slender Loris in Sri Lanka through science and media
When: July - August 2017
Where: NIFS Sam Popham Arboretum, Sri Lanka
What: An expedition combining con...
Rock Climbing and Rainforest Conservation in Central Kalimantan
When: July - August 2018
Where: Central Kalimantan, Borneo, Indonesia
What: Attempting the first free ascent of a remote limestone pinnacle...
Trekking 120km across the Jordanian desert in the footsteps of Lawrence of Arabia.
When: 15th - 24th April 2014
Where: Jordan
What: A 120km trek across the Jordanian desert in the footsteps of T E Lawren...
Researching health impacts of Western diet and lifestyle on the Amerindian population
When: 28th October - 29th November 2015
Where: Upper Essequibo region, Guyana, South America
What: To assess the phys...
Sailing the entire UK coastline to reconnect people with maritime heritage, culture, and identity.
When: 15th September 2015 - 30th November 2019
Where: Entire UK Coastline
What: Sail Britain is a unique...
A 5 week crossing of Sumatra on foot to assess and document the condition of the island.
When: 16th June - 24th July 2016
Where: Aceh and Northern Sumatra, Indonesia
What: A 5 week Megatransect of Northe...
Howdy! Use this form to submit your expedition to our database. We will submit this information to the RGS on your behalf so you'll automatically be included in their comprehensive database too (if you haven't ...
Herpetological research in Indonesian Borneo
When: August - September 2015
Where: Bawan Forest, Central Kalimantan, Borneo, Indonesia
What: Testing the effectiveness of herpetological survey techniques i...
An audacious bikepacking expedition into the Heart of Borneo
When: October 2017
Where: Central Kalimantan, Borneo, Indonesia
What: Exploring the network of old logging roads in the Heart of Borneo, by mo...
Researching the effectiveness of herpetological survey techniques
When: July - August 2015
Where: Manu Learning Centre, Peru
What: A student led expedition which set out to determine the difference in ef...