An ambitious expedition to an unexplored area of the Heart of Borneo rainforest, combining scientific research and interactive multimedia to discover, educate, and inspire.
When: December 2010 - February 2011
Investigating the impacts of wildlife trade and agroforestry in West Java, Indonesia
When: 27 June - 27 August 2017
Where: West Java, Indonesia
What: Documenting the effects of the pet trade on slow lori...
Contributing to the conservation of of the Gray Slender Loris in Sri Lanka through science and media
When: July - August 2017
Where: NIFS Sam Popham Arboretum, Sri Lanka
What: An expedition combining con...
Herpetological research in Indonesian Borneo
When: August - September 2015
Where: Bawan Forest, Central Kalimantan, Borneo, Indonesia
What: Testing the effectiveness of herpetological survey techniques i...
Researching the effectiveness of herpetological survey techniques
When: July - August 2015
Where: Manu Learning Centre, Peru
What: A student led expedition which set out to determine the difference in ef...
Creating baseline data for herpetofauna at the Cloudbridge Nature Reserve in Costa Rica
When: 6th July - 22nd August 2016
Where: Cloudbridge Nature Reserve, Costa Rica
What: To catalogue the herpetofauna...
Investigating the ecological and economic impacts of illegal trawling in Cambodia
When: 28 June - 7 August 2016
Where: Koh Seh, Kep Achipelago, Cambodia
What: A multidisciplinary expedition to investigat...
Researching herpetofauna and the impact of tourism on the biodiversity of the Perhentian Islands
When: 26th June - 8th August 2016
Where: The Perhentian Islands. Malaysia
What: A Falmouth and Exeter Univ...
A marine biodiversity survey of the Mikindani and Mnazi bays in Southern Tanzania
When: July - August 2016
Where: Mtwara, Tanzania
What: A marine biodiversity survey of the Mikindani and Mnazi bays in So...
Expedition Loholoka: a scientific expedition to study terrestrial biodiversity in the Loholoka forest in Madagascar
When: Aug-Sep 2014
Where: Loholoka Forest, Madagascar
What: Terrestrial biodiversity su...